3-Year-Old Developer Releases the World’s First ‘Small Language Model’, FartGPT
In a stunning breakthrough that has left the artificial intelligence community speechless, 3-year-old developer Timmy Johnson announced today that he has created the world’s first “Small Language Model”, FartGPT, which can generate realistic fart sounds and smells based on any text input.
“I like farts, they are funny and stinky,” said Johnson, who claims he developed FartGPT in his spare time using his dad’s laptop and a microphone. “I wanted to make a program that can make farts from words, like ‘poop’ or ‘cheese’ or ‘mommy’. It’s easy, you just type something and press enter, and then FartGPT makes a fart sound and smell for you.”
According to Johnson, FartGPT is based on a modified version of GPT-3, a large-scale language model that can generate coherent texts on various topics. However, unlike GPT-3, which has 175 billion parameters and requires massive computing power, FartGPT has only 17 parameters and can run on any device.
“FartGPT is much better than GPT-3, because it is smaller and faster and more fun,” said Johnson, who added that he trained FartGPT on a dataset of over 10,000 fart samples that he collected from himself, his family, his friends, and his dog. “GPT-3 can only make boring texts, but FartGPT can make funny farts. Farts are the best language ever.”
Johnson said he plans to release FartGPT to the public soon, and hopes that it will inspire other young developers to create their own small language models. He also said he has already started working on his next project, which he calls PeeGPT, which will generate realistic urine sounds and colors based on any text input.
“I think PeeGPT will be even better than FartGPT, because pee is also funny and stinky,” said Johnson, who admitted that he sometimes pees his pants when he laughs too hard. “I want to make the world a better place with my small language models. Maybe someday I will make a model that can make poop too. That would be awesome.”