How To Become A Sovereign Citizen In 10 Easy Steps

Dunko Xyvir
4 min readDec 26, 2023


Are you tired of paying taxes, obeying laws, and respecting authority? Do you want to live by your own rules and enjoy the freedom of being a sovereign citizen? If so, then this article is for you. Here are 10 easy steps to become a sovereign citizen and escape the tyranny of the government.

  1. Reject your birth certificate. Your birth certificate is a contract that binds you to the state and its laws. You need to renounce it and declare yourself a natural-born human being with unalienable rights. You can do this by writing a letter to the vital records office and returning your birth certificate with a stamp that says “VOID”.
  2. Create your own identification documents. Since you are no longer a citizen of any country, you need to create your own identification documents that prove your sovereignty. You can use any paper, ink, and seal that you want, as long as they look official. Some examples of documents you can create are a passport, a driver’s license, a birth certificate, and a social security card.
  3. Stop paying taxes. Taxes are theft and a violation of your sovereignty. You do not owe anything to the government, and they have no right to take your money. You can stop paying taxes by refusing to file tax returns, ignoring tax notices, and challenging tax liens and levies. If the IRS tries to contact you, you can tell them that you are not a taxpayer and that they have no jurisdiction over you.
  4. Drive without a license or registration. Driving is a natural right that does not require a license or registration. You can drive any vehicle you want, as long as you have a private property sticker on it. This sticker shows that you are not using the public roads for commerce, but for personal travel. If you get pulled over by the police, you can refuse to show them any documents, answer any questions, or comply with any orders. You can also demand that they identify themselves and their authority, and ask them to leave you alone.
  5. Claim your property as a sovereign territory. Your property is your castle, and you have the right to defend it from any intruders. You can claim your property as a sovereign territory by posting signs that say “No Trespassing”, “Private Property”, and “Notice of Sovereignty”. You can also fence off your property and install security cameras and alarms. If anyone tries to enter your property without your permission, you can use any means necessary to protect yourself and your property.
  6. Reject the court system. The court system is a corrupt and illegitimate institution that has no authority over you. You do not need to follow any laws, rules, or procedures that the court imposes on you. You can reject the court system by refusing to accept any summons, subpoenas, or warrants. You can also refuse to enter the courtroom, stand before the judge, or acknowledge the jury. If you are forced to appear in court, you can challenge the jurisdiction of the court, the validity of the charges, and the competence of the judge and the lawyers.
  7. Form your own militia. A militia is a group of armed citizens who are ready to defend themselves and their community from any threats. You can form your own militia by recruiting like-minded people who share your views and values. You can train your militia in survival skills, combat tactics, and weapons handling. You can also equip your militia with firearms, ammunition, and other supplies. You can use your militia to patrol your property, protect your neighbors, and resist any government agents who try to interfere with your sovereignty.
  8. Create your own currency. Currency is a medium of exchange that represents value. You do not need to use the government-issued currency, which is fiat money that has no intrinsic value and is subject to inflation and manipulation. You can create your own currency by using gold, silver, or other precious metals, or by issuing your own notes, coins, or tokens. You can use your currency to trade with other sovereign citizens, or to buy goods and services from businesses that accept it.
  9. Declare your independence. Independence is the state of being free from any external control or influence. You can declare your independence by writing a declaration that states your name, your sovereignty, and your grievances against the government. You can also list your rights, your principles, and your goals. You can sign your declaration with your name and your thumbprint, and send it to the government officials, the media, and the public.
  10. Live by the golden rule. The golden rule is a moral principle that says you should treat others as you want to be treated. You can live by the golden rule by respecting the sovereignty of other people, and not harming them or their property. You can also cooperate with other sovereign citizens, and help them in times of need. You can also educate others about the benefits of being a sovereign citizen, and inspire them to join you.

Congratulations, you are now a sovereign citizen! You have achieved the ultimate freedom and independence that you deserve. Enjoy your life as a sovereign citizen, and remember: you are the only authority that matters.



Dunko Xyvir

"I don't want to be aginger anymore." ----- Editor-in-Chief of tech e-zine 'Grames Infomer'